Uses of Package
ClassDescriptionAn enumeration of all possible
types.Compare to [AlbumType] this field represents relationship between the artist and the album.An enumeration of all possible album types.An enumeration of all possible authorization scopes.An enumeration of all possibleCopyright
types.An enumeration of all possible currently playing types.An enumeration with the two modality types.An enumeration of all possible model object types.An enumeration of all possible Spotify product types.An enumeration of all possible release date precisions. -
ClassDescriptionAn enumeration of all possible currently playing types.An enumeration with the two modality types.
ClassDescriptionAn enumeration of all possible album types.An enumeration of all possible model object types.An enumeration of all possible release date precisions.
ClassDescriptionAn enumeration of all possible
types.Compare to [AlbumType] this field represents relationship between the artist and the album.An enumeration of all possible album types.An enumeration of all possibleCopyright
types.An enumeration with the two modality types.An enumeration of all possible model object types.An enumeration of all possible Spotify product types.An enumeration of all possible release date precisions. -